Archive | April, 2011

32nd POST: Confirmed, 1 YR CANCER FREE!!!!! HURRAY!

You read correctly, 1 Year, Cancer Free! Over a week ago I had to go in for my routine Test. Was supposed to be a PET Scan since it had been a year since I had one, but the Insurance denied, even after my Doctor talking to the, the night before. SO, I was given […]

31st Post: Carolina’s Fight video

One of my fellow CCS friends, Carolina, has been fighting for her life as well to get rid of CCS forever. She is getting ready to head to Germany for treatment to see if they can get rid of CCS. Looking forward to hearing how her experience/trip goes. Her husband made a very touching video […]

30th Post: Pet Scan postponed till Fri

Last night before I went home from work I recieved a call letting me know my PET scan that I have been anxiously waiting for, was in fact post poned due to Insurance Prior Authorization. It is a very expensive test so I get it but I havent been able to get my routine test […]

29th Post: Pet Scan tomorrow

After a year since my last Pet Scan, I am scheduled for another one tomorrow. These tests are supposed to show all hot spots and the tests I have been getting (CT/XRAY) do not show the tiniest of things so I am a little concerned. Everyone keeps telling me everything will be ok and I […]

28th Post: 1 year since being diagnosed with CCS

  I apologize for not doing a better job with keeping this updated. I feel like I never have anything exciting to say so I wait till something is before I post. Last Saturday, April 2nd, marked the exact date from when I was passed the horrible news of having some type of Sarcoma Cancer. […]